The Raston Robot's first encounter with a Cyberman was scripted slightly differently. The lance fired at the Cyberman was attached to a thin thread which the robot then used to topple the Cyberman - before slicing his head off with a steel disc!

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DRAFT SCRIPT: She turns and runs - straight into another mannequin reaching out for her. She dodges round it, but now the other mannequins - all Autons - have come to life and are encircling her. They stalk menacingly towards her.

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It is unlikely that Adrienne Hill or Jean Marsh would ever have been considered for cameos in The Five Doctors as they had very fleeting stints in the programme - and their characters were both killed off.

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JNT: I called Tom, told him that I understood and that I wasn’t going to even attempt friendly persuasion, but asked if I might use some footage of him from Shada in The Five Doctors. Tom agreed. I also called Lalla Ward and she had no objection.

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Malcolm Thornton redesigned the TARDIS interior set, including a new set of flats with fewer, and more widely spaced, roundels. A new set of door’s connected to the left-hand side of the set, angled so that cameras couldn't see beyond the threshold.

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The new TARDIS console was designed and built by Mike Kelt with help from Visual Effects Assistants Charlie Lumm (left, working on K9) and Simon Tayler (right, working on the Space Command model from Blake’s 7).

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