El nos encanta x lo que vamos a sortear,entre l que compréis la expansión d antes dl 24/02 a las 12 a. m.,1 Vol2 que es 😱¿a qué esperáis? Se avisará al ganad vía email. Las bases están en la web.

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🧞‍♀️ アクビ娘

今日の👨‍🎨お絵描きは の娘 ですよ~💕🤗

シュワー シュビドゥワー アクビ娘はすてきな子🎶

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OK! lest see if setting a goal for this at helps fire things up, If we reach 50,000 ink before Saturday, one of these too will do a strip game.

Where to give INK? Here: https://t.co/hUWOSVh3Pj

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a fully paid studio and townhouse so I could work uninterrupted with my friends

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Juego del Genio
1 x semana -> Got it memorized? ;)
Con este termina la ronda 1, voy a estar un tiempo out. Tengo una fatiga enorme y mentalmente no estoy bien. Sorry.

Ronda 1
Meliodas // Nanatsu No Taizai

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Juego del Genio
1 x semana -> Got it memorized? ;)

Ronda 1
Draken // Tokio Revengers

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Just a couple of beauties. Commission for DarkSonic250! I hope you like it. 😁😊

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Bernard and the genie is a top tier Christmas film I just love it :’)

(Okay I know this is a Christmas post but people start celebrating in like September so let me have this)

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I have a problem with getting overly detailed with my animations so I NEVER get them to the finished stages, so here's a practice "chunky" styled gif of Norm The Genie!!
(Sorry it's too unsmooth, but I colored it finally!)

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This is one of those pieces where you dont plan anything out and it just kinda happens

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