Why did the dinosaur cross the road? Because chickens weren't invented yet! You can read lots of fine feathered humor and stuff in Hide and Go Beak!, when the book flies onto bookshelves in stores TOMORROW.

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Who tells the funniest chicken jokes? Comedi-hens! If you like a good preorder Hide and Go Beak today! It's chick-full of punny humor and fun. In stores January 18!

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Time for another from me, the author of What does an evil chicken lay? Deviled eggs! You'll find lots of puntastic chicken word play and in The Great Mathemachicken: Hide and Go Beak! In stores January 18!

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How do you know it's too hot in the chicken coop? The hens start laying hard-boiled eggs! There are a lot more jokes in Hide and Go Beak! In stores January 18!

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Did you know a chicken can jump higher than a house? It’s because houses can’t jump! You’ll find lots of eggs-tra funny in 1:Hide and Go Beak In stores January 18. ⁦⁩ ⁦

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I am angry as Clucky that the supply chain issue is messing up release dates. 1: Hide and Go Beak now pubs 1/18/22. But I have to tide you over. What happens when you drop a hand gren-egg? It eggsplodes.

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No chicken jokes today. Chirpy is just seriously thankful she’s not a turkey today. ⁦⁩ What are you thankful for? ⁦

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of the day: Why did the farmer separate the chicken and the turkey? He suspected fowl play. There's more eggs-ellent humor in The Great Mathemachicken 1: Hide and Go Beak coming January 4.

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