We have funds and want to come back and help folks, have honest conversations about support.

Simply, we need people to buy more tools.

I could help 8-10 folks today and then? Take a look at the tools.

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Black Friday sale.

Tomorrow, we are going to randomly select 20 tools of the non special editions and list them for 5 TEZ.

It will be and

Get in low!!


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Hammers and pencils have gathered a few folks from the community and we are thankful for the collaborations. Airdrop and listing now.

Thank you for the art.

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Today, I am minting

Preview the inventory B4 they go on sale
Grab your own tool for the low low.
Join the community.

Today, I am transferring our % of the funds from to QueenEarth.tez. The rest will stake until we find a benefactor :)

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