

(良い意味で) ポカーン… とさせられた

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: *is a depressing as all fuck anime permeated with hopelessness and violence that just gets more and more overpowering with each episode.

Me: *draws the characters like this.

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What if... we became the mother figures to children orphaned by war... and when the universe exploded we floated hand in hand towards rebirth...and we were both girls... haha just kidding... unless...?

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✨Brillas, y brillas tan lindo...✨

(No one draws these two so once more I gotta do everything myself until Tomino decides to come rid the world of me.)

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Listen. Listen, man. characters but in casual clothing 💖💖💖

(IDK exactly WHY I decided Sheryl would look good in goth-ish clothes but I stand by that decision.)

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