Sneek peak of my favorite page so far book 2
Lineart colors by

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Working on book 2 and planing my next

Lineart by
Colors by

10 21

Georg Howahl ist in der Westfalenpost voll des Lobes über THE IMPURE 1:
»Zeichnerisch und erzählerisch spielen Radke und Singh locker auf internationalem Niveau.« [...] »Ein wahrhaft episches, transgalaktisches Abenteuer.«

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Last week to preorder with fantastic covers from (interrior artist) and from

13 22

This cover work by artist Gabrielle Ragusi for Kaitlyn Pennington’s debut novel is amazing. It's really nice to see the work in progress shots too. 😍 😇

Gabrielle Ragusi 👉

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Der Kickstarter is finished, with over 130% funding! Love to all, thank you o7.

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Das Cover für das finale Buch? Mal schauen... Lineart by and colors by and rest of the Team:

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