"Lorelai Cremaine"

She's the captain of the Diluvian Guard and the only with the Archmage's permission to stay at

"She has only one mission, and her goal is law."

4 20

"Dalil Saidi"

Another that made his way to to represent the new republic of Celatania, the nation of gardens and sea.

"A man whose eyes can see through any illusion or deceit either created by magic or word. A liar who hunts other liars."

12 52

"Lady Maldivar"

She's the new teacher in the arts of at However it seems she has a long story with Cecil, the evocation teacher.

"A few of the students of War Magic have nightmares or have dropped on the floor of exhaustion after her lessons."

4 24

"Tremenant Augustus"

Rumor has it, on the top floor of the archive at there is a mysterious character looking for arcane secrets. Or maybe he's just an excentric

"...He likes to see himself as a mere observer, a witness, a neutral spectator."

5 27


If you walk around the hallways of 's archive, be careful to not meet its

"But, who would dare to find those answers? Those documents are well guarded by the very same librarian that likes to keep her information private."

7 24

"Praline Vanilleheart"

You cannot study the secrets of the arcana with an empty stomach! Fortunately, counts with the most recognized of the kingdom!

"She knows well enough that a heart can only beat accordingly if it's fed correctly."

7 21

"Pantagruelic Mildred Craddlebriar"

If you need magical supplies while you study at you may go to visit this old at your own risk.

"She's very skilled when it comes to finding value in many little things we see as worthless or common."

10 22

"Ridizzo the Lustrous"

This marid is the at
But careful with his temper! Running out of hot water isn't the worst that could happen...

"You may never know if your butler was imprisoned by being a menace in another plane of existence."

8 23

"Vermilla Frostbottom"
The well known lady of the lavender tea will guide you on the path of the at

"She always had a fascination with the decay and the beauty that remains once life is gone."

4 18

Don't let your guard down around him/her while he/she's teaching you magic at

"...to be able to call the flame in your heart to destroy your enemies but also to be able to control your heartbeat to not be dominated by your inner fire."

4 24

"Atreya Arivel"
Prepare your wits and manners for her course at

"To create an illusion of closeness, familiarity and trust. An illusion based on facts and hard work, but alas, an illusion."

4 25

"Emeral Osvind"
He's the teacher of magic at

"Not many people understand the importance of knowing when to use the right words at the right moment as the wizards do.

Especially the conjurers."

3 22

"Meet me later at the gallows. The teachers mustn't know. There's something going on at the tower."

Tomorrow, i'll make a lil announcement for you guys...

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