Day 6: Are you starting a new writing project in 2022?
I need to get this one finished first. I started a book at the end of 2020 but then my life collapsed, I took a break, and now I’ve got this thing to crack on with.
There will be more.

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D16 - For my other hobbies, I'm a big film / TV addict, I like to draw on occasion (although I'm out of practice), I dabble on the PS4 and I also like to bake when the mood takes me.

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🌞Melting is apparently bad for the brain. Also, it makes it very difficult to type ^^;

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D5 - I haven't finalized a book cover as yet, but so far I'm using this for Death Comes to Perrivale.

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Soul Connections:
Genre - paranormal fiction
Subgenre - family drama
Audience - all humans

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D2 - I'm in between two WIPs and have been for a while now, so I have two MC's.
1. Vannamir Scond - The Core Lands only Private Investigator.
2. Tippi Potts - A 13yo who longs to be a Weather Regulator and to work with dragons.

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“Which of your characters would give the best constructive criticism of your writing?”

I have a writer or two in my Journey of Souls series…
But I’d prefer Henny’s take on things. It would be amusing.

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D12 - Three things I love about my current WIP are

- Managing multiple plotlines, It's both challenging and satisfying.
- Woodbine, a new SC who is already fighting to get more page time
- The murders...

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“Has your MC ever been on an awkward date?”

Soul Connections: Yes.
The Price of Humanity: So very yes.
The Chronicles of Henny: Constantly.

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“Does your story’s world suffer any natural disasters?”

There’s mention of wildfires in The Road Home...

The Chronicles of Henny is notorious for disasters, both natural and other.😂

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“How do you feel about public speaking?”

Nauseous! 😃

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“If your MC had intro music, what would it be?”

And the Librarian:
The Inspector Gadget theme song.😂

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(Emmessi Tome MtG Art from Eternal Masters Set by Craig J. Spearing.) IT FITS THOUGH

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Mizumi: No. I actually have a cute boyfriend! His name is Indimaru Della Posta. (art and character ) He's the best and a total cutie! (If you want to know more about him check out )

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"Hi Hi! My name is Mizumi Kuragari and I am 25. I have my own business and I run IT at Midsummer School of Fine Arts. I think food is something to be shared and treasured with friends and if you don't like cats we can NEVER be friends." ( did art!)

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“What’s your MC’s favorite holiday?”

On behalf of all my MCs, not Halloween 😬

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“Recommend your favorite writing craft book?”

I’ve read a few... Writing Magic by Gail Carson is probably my favorite. Back to basics. 😁

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“Would you rather your book be made into a movie or a TV series?”

The Chronicles of Henny - animated series

Soul’s Choice & Beneath the Snow - movies

Eyes on the Road - TV series! This road is never ending😂

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Most recent book I read and LOVED?
Soul of the Crow by
The review will be up in the YouTube soon but it’s SOOO GOOD!

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“Do you give people second chances?”

Absolutely, and then some.
But if I’ve been wronged by someone, it’s rare for me to fully trust them again. 😬

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