In the latest episode of we see Jordan pushed to the absolute brink. You might argue he made some bad choices, but in a broken system are there really any good ones?

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The latest episode of couldn't bring any more drama. Students discover new abilities and struggle with an invisible enemy. Check it out now on :

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joins Although Sequoia students must manage their emotions, their human side often takes over 😅☹️😠😆 Get on this emotional roller coaster by subscribing on :

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could be considered a but to be closer to our reality, we gave it a little twist. In our story, it's good intentions that cause disastrous consequences.⁠ So the most common question will be who is saving whom? More on:

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Meet Alex. He’s the first person you’ll get to know from . Good-looking, intelligent, and full of the desire to change the world. The guy everyone wants to be... and beat of course. A new episode is now LIVE on : (1/2)

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In students compete for a million-dollar prize and are willing to destroy themselves to do it. It may be fiction but it's not far from reality. Find out more now. New episode live on :

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Happy to Adrian Wright. In world, he’s the founder of Sequoia Institute and a big believer in using biotech to improve humanity. How could his good intentions possibly go wrong? Find out in the NEW episode:

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begins with this beautiful shot because of... Jurassic Park! It’s a shout-out to the famous “Somewhere off the coast of Isla Nublar” - get the reference?⁠ would be very proud of his legacy...

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While the world closes its borders and the continues to fail at diversity, it's been a pleasure to build a global team of women who collaborated remotely to bring to life. We've never actually met our artists in person, not even a video-call!

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We just recently launched at on

Follow the adventures of four students vying for a million-dollar prize at an elite university... that is if they don't get killed first.

Latest episode up NOW!

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