"Through his Eyes" TAEHYUNG FANART

In which the other mysteries will unfold and we can see it through Taehyung's perspective.

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Hoseok finally finds out that Seokjin was saving the other members which made Hoseok so confused. Seokjin still can't explain everything on Hoseok and also this the alternate of Hoseok meeting Jimin on the hospital for not passing out on the bridge.

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It started at May 10th Year 22
Where Seokjin saved Hoseok from passing out on the bridge (the ones on the I NEED U MV) and Hoseok was surprise to see clues on Seokjin's car that seems Seokjin knows what to do next. He thinks Seokjin is doing something suspicious.

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if anyone is still talking about HYYH....
yoongi was burning his music cause he thinks its worthless,
but for jungkook it is his reason to live,
which gives yoongi a reason to live as well.
seokjin needs to have jungkook save yoongi (Euphoria) for them both to live☆

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- Smeraldo Books vuelve después de 16 meses de su última publicación
- El bucle se reinició
- Vuelven a la era HYYH
- Los viajes de Seokjin ya no existen
- Idioma español incluido en la nota
- Todo inicia de 0
- El comeback esta cerca
-El enlistamineto de Jin

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