the past and the future

thank you for the amazing new experience ❤️ i was very glad to revisit the lake in such a refreshing way, and to see my favourites again

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昨夜は ご笑覧、コメント、高評価ありがとうございました☻
若干私視点(過去ver)にはホラー要素もあった気がしましたが、 楽しかったです!w


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Personally, I can't wait to see what evil deeds our worst boy commits in

3 30

아래 그림은 의 초창기 컨셉 아트입니다! 개발 과정에서 저희는 게임플레이와 스타일 면에서 많은 난관을 겪었었죠!

저희는 처음으로 그 과정의 일부분을 개발 블로그를 통해 공유하고 싶어요! 개발자들에게 꼭 물어보고 싶은 것들이 있다면 에게 알려주세요👈

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Here is some very early concept art for During development, we faced many challenges in both gameplay and style!

For the first time ever we would like to share some insights into its journey through some devlogs! Let us know if you have any burning question 👇

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