You guuuuuuuuys! has passed 5k hits! I'm SUPER pleased! 😭💕
Thank you all so much for reading, and for your love and support!

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Reading fluffy fanfic greatly increases your chances of having an absolutely excellent day, did you know? 😘 It's true!

Ch 7 of is now live on AO3, & Ch 8 is in Early Access on Patreon! Links in the Linktree in my bio! 😘

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Happy Monday to you, my lovelies! I hope you're all doing well, but in case you need a shot of serotonin, here's a new ch for you! 🥰

Ch 6 of is now live on AO3, and Ch 7 is in Early Access on my Patreon!

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Happy Monday, my loves! Have some Consort goodness to make your day a little cheerier! 😙💕

Ch 5 of is now live on AO3, and Ch 6 is in Early Access on my Patreon!

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Though the final ch won't be on AO3 until next week, is officially done. Time to move on to one of my other WIPs!

Next on the docket is the first chapter now available on Patreon for anyone interested! 😘

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