This is our campaign slogan. Once the race is on! Yeah!✊

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All the way to Washington y'all!! ✊

Trend that shit!!

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How about some retro Syfy art? I've read countless books with cover art like this. It's pretty cool. But honestly makes little sense. I mean, wtf we looking at!? Lol

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I don't guess they actually go to any story or anything. But are these not freaking wild!! Some crazy Mecha!

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I'll take ZZ over Exia any day of the week. Freaking HATE Exia!!!

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Fuck yeah! Kirby done with the shit, he got a mobile suit!!

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The Punisher!! Frank Castle, antihero, war veteran, and total badass. I think my favorite stories are the War Journals. Freaking sweet!

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How about the X-Men? The team has changed over time, members come and go, but it's still the X-Men. Been at it forever now and look at continue for a long while.

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Just ran across an amazing artist that had a few Gundam works. Really like these.

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