Happy birthday Artemis and Apollo 💕 you brought me so much joy over the last year~ (their bday was on 25 July! I completely forgot and was reminded by a lovely reader on webtoon~🥺)

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Who remembers that Apollo can't swim?😬 Is this a TRT merman AU?? This is the first self-indulgent drawing I've done in ages~

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Yayyyy it’s TRT’s one year anniversary and im full of feels! Whether you’ve been with me since the ugly early panels, or just recently joined the TRT fam, THANK YOU & ILY! 💖

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I have...REASONS for going back and revamping all of TRT... but I’m 1/2 way through and right now the only reason which makes sense is that I’m a masochist.

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Happy Easter everybody~ I’ve only got some bad puns to offer 😂 but omg imagine if these were plush toys

1 25

Apollo dancing queen phone wallpapers!! let me know if you're game to have the version WITHOUT the boxer shorts as your lock screen!! 😂😂😂

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Not me already working on Lulo's Valentine's day special before even having any idea what to do about my own Valentine's day...

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Idk why but I'm always 50% more nervous drawing Lucien than Apollo... /wheezes/ Did you know he was half Asian? 😊😊

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For the price of a coffee you could commission for adorable chibis like this!! 🥰 pls check out gabbie’s kofi!! it’s Apollo asking help from Artemis (again)! But really... how helpful is she 😂 😂

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Lucien & Apollo go to a wedding!! If you’re a BL creator on you might already know Docch - a really sweet and supportive reader! This is something small to celebrate Docch’s special day last week!! ❤️ you Docch!!

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A bit of 🍦👅 fun for a super supportive reader on ❤️❤️❤️

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I need to start 's next update, I only have 2 days... but I can't even LOOK at Apollo rn after soo many hours on this lighting study 😭😭SEND HELP!!

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A special thank you to a special reader !! I hope you'll like it <3 <3

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Artemis and Apollo sharing a moment with fellow pink hair OC - ' Ryo 💕💕💕 they're like... distant cousins?? Love you long time Locchan~! Thank you for being so supportive to 😍

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