"'The 2nd Age of Man', an era undreamt of, dominated by magick and machinegun."

13 179

‘Volunteer Conscripts’ or ‘Victor’, the slang designation for the infantry of the Eurasian Kings from their…nebulous, yet mandatory enlistment culture.

Two House Surotov Infantrymen patrol the castle grounds for squatters.

67 670

The Wetwork Guild, a loose formation of mercenaries, bounty hunters and assassins that formed to protect freelancers from coercion or enslavement by ever expanding paramilitary shadow organizations and intelligence agencies.

And to make more money

10 105

GCSA Digital Conscripts hunting Magi-Class Insurgents in the Rockies with the aid of mercenary auxillaries.

27 188

The Red Monarchy (Reddies) and the Pan-African Union (The PAUs, pronounced the P-A-Ws) are the world powers suspected of secret military collusion to breach the GCSA's 'Orbital Sanction'. Both powers require their nobility to serve in their armed forces

11 77

Phantom Baron, leads the Cyber-Hounds, from his trademark PowerCorps 'The Field Tyrant'.

48 224

The only member of S.A.G 00 with no prior history as a war criminal, Geska Bell was recruited for simply being a genetic freak that appeared during the digital census of 2001. Spoiled and bratty, her requisitions are filled with frivolous requests.

35 189

The F.O.G consists of 4 agents (Vapor. Dew, Mist and Steam)... Equipped, funded and deployed to action the objectives of the 'Creeps, Idiots and Assholes' who's vast web on intrigue requires soldiers unphased by xeno-chronological conditions.

29 151

Mexico's last vigilante... Wild Ghost engages the 'SteelJacks' - Nordic cyber prosthetic traffickers.

21 102

Coil and Shewulf,

'Psi-Mercs', the agents of Organization Z are Level 1 (DARPA Metric) Psionics that operate under the cover of 'freelance soldiers of fortune'. As of 1981, these 'Direct Actors' pose the greatest national security threat to the USA.

7 49