Today the perfect turquoise colour match is coming up: 🚀
The Unknown Painter is listed for 5tez now!
5 tez (next 24 hours, then ten)


0 1

Today this friendly guy came up:
The Unknown Painter of is listed for 5tez now!
5 tez (next 24 hours, then ten)


1 1

One or the other has probably already asked themselves: "Where are all the wild and still unknown painters?"

0 1

Today the next 50 of - in silver - went as an airdrop to my Tezos supporters…

There will come only max 100 more to complete this exclusive collector’s collection.

1 10

The first two of (exclusive Collector’s Edition) are available on secondary market. 🚀

2 5

The next 50 of - in silver - are airdropping to my Tezos supporters…

1 7