08.09.22.. apparently NASA are planning to send a dummy on their Artemis mission to the moon.. now BO-JO’s looking for a job, he can even take his own kettle!

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18.08.22.. wonky veg!

Because we’re in the midst of a drought, supermarkets expect to stock more ‘wonky veg’ this winter, but veg is just veg right?

They taste no different to yer flashy perfect ones.. eat them up! 🥕 🥦 🧅 🫑 🥔


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10.08.22.. dear reader, don’t discard that bath/shower/sink (grey) water! We are in the midst of a drought & it’s fine to use grey water for your plants in the short term over the summer.. get that big jug out of the back of the cupboard & start scoopin’! 🪴 🛀

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