Glen's scheme reaches its climax in this week's update over at Comicadia Worlds!!!

Check out this comic by , , and before it ends!!!


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Glen pulls off a 🌹~masterful~🌹performance in today's THIEFTENDER update!!!

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Art by
Colors by


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Glen puts his scheme into action in this week's update over at !!!

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Art by
Colors by


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Ah, so Glen is a ~schemer~ as well...
Hmm... that clinches it. I promised to myself no more tricksters, and I am sticking to it!

Check out the what and why in this week's update over at !!

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Why yes, Handsome Elf, I would *love* some liquid refreshment!

to another page of THIEFTENDER for Comicadia Worlds by the talented trio of , , and !


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