2020 ✨ WORKSHOP TWO: Comics & Sequential Art with George Pratt, Bill Sienkiewicz, Natalie Hall, Vanesa R. Del Rey, & Francis Vallejo. Enrollment begins November 7!


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This week we’re focusing on concept art & character design. With a stellar group of working pros like , this is going to be a really special week!

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It’s time to Hulk-out and get through the rest of the week! Only 19 days until Are you registered???
Head to https://t.co/WjSfzbWl1w to talk with one of our mentors about your portfolio for FREE!
📷: art

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With so many amazing tv shows, movies, and comics out right now, it’s easy to get inspired! What is something that inspires you to make art?

📷: art

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TFW: you have to wait until tomorrow to see 😩 Can’t wait! Do you know what else we can’t wait for??? Hanging with this summer at the workshops!!! ✨#illustrationacademy

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We can’t wait to be learning from the best. Join us and awesome artists like Natalie Hall! () Kansas City // June 2019 //

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Quick poll: are you as taken with this illustration as we are? Yes or yes?? ✨ Can’t wait for (Mark Chiarello) to join the summer workshops as a guest speaker! You should join us, too 😄 More info: https://t.co/XKMRZKViBd

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— it’s such a great foundation for every artist to build upon. We make sure that every week has figure drawing time allotted for mentors and students to come together and draw! 📷:

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Sunday Inspiration from ge mentor enart who will lead their Illustration course this spring! Head to ge for all the details!

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Fighting the Sunday Scaries by looking through all the amazing work from Summer Workshops alumnae and beyond. We’re ready for more! Keep tagging us with ✨🙌


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