- large 120cmx90cm oil painting full of & light stretched canvas ready to hang on your wall https://t.co/sWWiiglbZM FREE delivery in Australia visit my youtube channel to see more

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Sometimes my neighbors at North Shore appear in my art work support your local artists -visit my website https://t.co/sWWiiglbZM and my youtube channel for more https://t.co/tT6Yt2f43Z

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Artists see through different eyes - the more I look the more I see the more I try & interpret what I feel when looking - sometimes the ordinary can surprise you North Shore https://t.co/sWWiiglbZM

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I miss walking on the beach , sand between my toes, soft wind blowing cares away - North Shore https://t.co/sWWiiglbZM

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So we can't go the beach but we can put memories on the wall to remind us of happy days ahead https://t.co/sWWiiglbZM FREE delivery in Australia

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A walk on the beach with someone you love - "girt by sea" GOLDEN DAYS 90cmx90cm ready to hang on your wall see my diverse genre FREE DELIVERY in Australia https://t.co/sWWiiglbZM

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