I actually finished the Thinknoodles one at least 7 hours ago, Dan 5 hours ago, and Thnxcya just now,,,

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ChimneySwift11 ThnxCya TBNKensworth Mr.Williamo SthBling Dartron EthosLab BigManPig OMGChad Taurtis Burtgasm TheCampingRusher BlueMonkey WeedLion xRpmx13 AlanticCraftCody AlanticCraftJoe

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Sooo.. April Fools is almost here! How about this year we all send ThnxCya Googly Eyes as a prank this year?😋👀
More details in the picture, retweets are very appreciated along with anyone who helps💜
Remember ONLY ON APRIL FOOLS DAY don't tweet/tag him yet keep it secret🤫

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