“Ah, welcome, welcome! Do you have an appointment to challenge me to a duel to free the Isles from my iron-fisted rule? No? My assistant could pencil you in, if you’re keen.”

I had fun redrawing Athraxis’ helmet-crown-head thing.

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Athraxis, First Fear Lord.
Athraxis, Ancient and Terrible.
Athraxis, High Priestess of Hadelmach.
Athraxis, Undying and Unending.

The Fear Lords of the Sunless Isles number three, and the position is claimed as long as one can command the fearful respect of the populace.

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Say hello to Pyrathraxis Hexfang! The star of an upcoming 2CGaming project. While her siblings were busy chewing on elves, she had her nose in every book she could find. All that reading has paid off, for she has unlocked the latent magical power within her bloodline.

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