With a lot more recent downtime, I've added at least three new chapters of new content thanks to early reader feedback. I'm so pumped! Right now, my baby is roughly 16.5k words. Okay, that's all for now! Back to rewrites.

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💐BOOK WRITING UPDATES💐 Beta reader and editor feedback are trickling in. II don't have much to include here in this update except that I'm already daydreaming about the sequel—and potentially a FanX booth??

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I finished my 3rd draft of I'm so proud of myself and I really deserve my flowers. Now it's time for alpha readers and editors.

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I recently spent time digging into my WIP, Throwaway Queen. I sifted through a NaNoWriMo draft and left notes for every chapter. Overall, I like what I'm seeing and I'm ready to write draft 2.

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