Nothing beats another then seeing some preview art of Carly for Volume 8. And could 8husa be involved with another cover? I sure hope so.

16 53



IGG readers still got time to pick up Kamen America Volume 7 but the clock is ticking FAST!

Everyone else PLEASE find and fill out your surveys, as fulfilment begins IMMEDIATELY!

29 84

Hope everyone has a blessed
Let's Make America Godly Again

40 139

Happy everyone! A shot of Kamen America from the Vol 7 trailer , to mark the occasion. Kind of makes Carly a Super Saiyan.

8 42

We desperately need more true women like Carly.

40 116

Kamen America Volume 6 coming at us like a Fastball Special! LET'S GO!

art by fuku maaya

35 114

Reading through Kamen America again from the beginning. This series gets better every time!

25 93

Been catching up on Black Hops as I delve deeper into the Kamenverse. I have yet to be disappointed by anything this creative team has put out.

53 184