En el anime de internet hay personajes legendarios, pero pocos llegan al nivel de Thurston Waffles ❤️.

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Throwback to that one day time I drew after feelin the effects of Benadryl. May you forever be shrimpin in heaven

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owned by thurstonwaffles on Instagram
went back to using skin tones with this one (and the rest) , this one is definitely up there in my favourites, because with clothing, its normally plain, but i had a lot of fun drawing more complex outfits

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first time seriously drawing a cat and it's because I'm emotionally obsessed with the internet sensation (show him for me and tell him he's shrimptastic!)

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This is Malow Cat or Thurston Waffles, which everyone knows for his loud meows. Videos with this cute white cat were remixed into various music remixes, videos, photo memes.

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