Screenshot redraw in my style☺️

6 26

maybe now is a good time to let everyone know that i was once a tienshinhan stan (and a mega yamten shipper)

9 33

will be a guest at the March 11th-13th, 2022 in Jacksonville, FL!

Known for his role as on on on on Shinya on and More!

1 3

Tienshinhan's shoulders are so fucking raw, Goku can't even match them in Super Saiyan.

0 1

Tienshinhan my love

9 31

No one in the DBZ Universe has pointed out how Yamcha was able to recover from a gaping flesh wound by eating a Senzu bean

2 4


Still not over the fact that tried introducing a new "love interest" for Tien when Launch exists. 🙄

15 44

Nah fuck it - I drew them both

They get ready for double dates together 😌

21 74

Gostei bastante desse, por mais que eu tenha demorado p krlh p fazer
o jiaozi ficou com mta cara de boneco, mas eu achei fofinho até

4 7