The Treaty of Tilsit (1807) and the Congress of Erfurt (1809),perceived as humiliating for Russia (and its ally Prussia), jeopardized the legitimacy of his throne.
The Tsar himself, too, had been considering Napoleon an upstart hegemon since his murder of Duc D’Enghien in 1804.

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Engraving of Alexander I, Napoleon I, and Friedrich Wilhelm III holding hands at Tilsit in 1807 by Ludwig Buchhorn

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Napoleon and Alexander sign Treaty of Tilsit, 1807

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"General Napoleon Bonaparte vor den Mumien der Pharaonen" 1904.
"Le Cheval de Napoleon" 1884.
"Napoleon I Begegnung mit der Koenigin Luise von Preussen in Tilsit" 1879
"Nous en avons fini avec ces polissons d'électeurs..." 1880

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in 1807 Alexander I and Napoleon made themselves comfortable on a raft and signed the Treaty of Tilsit - bitter British reaction being quite predictable

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Meeting of Napoleon and Alexander I in Tilsit. The two emperors met in a pavilion set up on a raft in the middle of the Neman River. July 1807.
by Adolphe Roehn.

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The Tsar was impressed by Barclay's suggestion and recognised his talents, but for the time being opted to make peace with Napoleon at Tilsit.

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1807 following signing the Treaty of Tilsit Napoleon was attacked (& defeated) by a colony of Rabbits! 🐰🐰🐰

Starved & penned (to make them easy targets) these fluffy guerillas turned on instead.

Not sure what is worse, the shoot or the fact he lost?

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in 1807, Emperor Napoleon and Tsar Alexander I signed the Treaty of Tilsit. Russia was obliged to give up the Ionian islands and to join the Continental System. The settlement with Prussia, signed a couple of days later, was a lot more punitive.

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The first treaty of Tilsit was signed 1807 by Tsar Alexander I and Napoleon, during a meeting on a raft in the middle of the Niemen.

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in 1807, Emperor and Tsar Alexander of Russia met at on 'neutral territory' on a raft in the river Niemen. Alexander began, "I hate the British no less than you," to which Napoleon replied, "In that case everything can be speedily settled between us."

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25 juin 1807: Entrevue de entre et le Tsar Alexandre Ier.

Venus se rencontrer sur un radeau au milieu du fleuve Niémen, les deux potentats conviennent d'un armistice qui débouchera bientôt sur une paix.
L'image frappa alors beaucoup les esprits!

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