Dropped some Tiny Tails Borrowers merch on my Redbubble if anyone's interested. Eh eh? They're really cuuuuuute!~


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Got this lovely fanart of Maid Kaala 🥺💖 I love it

Made by DestinyTails in deviant art

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Mai () doesn't throw a hissy fit about hecklers; a purrfessional never loses her cool laughter all. She invites them on stage and with a dramatic

✨ Abra-Cadobra! ✨

snakes the magic show into a vanishing act!


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. isn't too happy about this situation - but at least there's no longer a claws for alarm since his shrinking's pawsed. NSGW isn't about to let him off the hoof however and gives the wrangled racc a dangle for good measure.

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Oh no is feeling pretty small about now. The receding raccoon is shivering away the inches as that looming NSGW chomper looms!


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Blushy blue bitty boy nervously protests his sit-chew-ation as NSGW savors the taste of his fear. The squirmy racc seems to be get diminishing response to his pleas as well...


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Oops.. looks like the dwindling sherbet racc is having a hard time keeping an equal footing around a bitey NSGW. races away from the ground as his growly friend suspends him in a squeeze.


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Non Specific Grey Wolf [NSGW] gives a great big hug, but can't resist nibbling the sweet boys ear - which induces a familiar sensation. One that the kewn has a shrinking feeling isnt about to stop any time soon.


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