The one thing I've learned in this lifetime is...

Just be you.

Those who appreciate you will stay.
Those that don't, it's fine.

The wind will Shake dead leaves / branches off your healthy tree.

Shine your light Bright. The right people will find you.

8 33

Hehe, this was me last year, and this is me now. How's that for a glow up? Thank you ! For not one but two amazing creations for me~💙huggles💙

3 33

There is a list of downloadable Architectural models available in FCStd (FreeCAD's) format. Many of them are famous (Villa Savoye, Barcelona Pavilion etc..) Grab 'em and check-out how they were modeled.

25 61

Tip of the week: ‘Commitment’,
the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.
Nobody will do your bit. Are you ready to do it!

Get in touch:

1 2

Friends, is over. It's time to add the next conference/convention to your profile.

You're welcome.

0 8

When touching a vulva, touch it 5x lighter than u were gonna.

2 14

Don't be shy of your old drawings, also the most ugly, in the contrary say thanks to them, without them you will never be what you are now \;u;/, cannot be improvements without failures TuT 🧡
( Like this old old Death Note fanart try...omg born and fail x°D )

0 7

Day 30 • Top tip • I have a few mantras but one that reoccurs is 'one thing at a time'. I'm have an overactive mind so telling myself 'one thing at a time' focuses it.

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ESL tip of the day: Just bc they sound fluent doesn't mean they are!

13 8

"Twins" Great friendships are from how similar we are on the inside. Not outside

9 34

The great thing about art is it doesn't matter about size or muscles.

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