finally finished my fanart for botw 2, i can't wait till the game gets released :D

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Aquí las 4 obras que más me han gustado de lo que voy del 2021.
-Invincible (Chulada de Serie)
-Dota 2 (La segunda mejor serie basada en Videojuego)
-TFATWS (Mucho mejor que Wandavision)
-TLof korra (apenas la vi en este año, asi que para mí cuenta)

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As members in good standing, we support your right to engage in tlof tlof this festive season. But should that happen at the cost of the health of your vagina? says no. Here's why.

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Post your favourite :

- Fighting game: MK9
- Platformer: Mario’s
- RPG/JRPG: Pokemon
- Action/Adventure game: TLOF e ZELDA BOTW

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