day 27

Ruben is Salzar's brother and despite constant nagging he rarely eats enough.

He acts like he hates dresses but he secretly likes trying them on. Dresden got him this as a gift.

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day 26

Shaman is recovering from a gunshot injury and the surgery to remove the scar tissue that pressed on his spine. Very wobbly but proud of himself.

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day 24

Styx is a happily transitioned man. He does charity shoots with helps boost his confidence.

He's currently single. Bad break ups suck oof.

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Finally sat down and redid my au version of strawberry nightmare.

Tmsh au Strawberry is a tired tough love giving nurse (RN). Loves his brother and brother's fiance to death.

He has psychosis episodes like Dust does without the hallucinations.


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Offshoot is part of TMSH.

Link to the summary of it

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