일본에서는 2월 14일은 소중한 남자에게 선물을 합니다.언제나 많은 행복을 주는 여러분에게.아주 조금이라도 저희의 감사함이 전해지길 바랍니다.
보라해💜Happy Valentine!

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since prince hobi is trapped in the palace most of the time, it took a while for octo jimi to bring him a shell.

Jimi saved this shell specifically for hobi because it lit up just like him ):

10 51

octo jimin has found friends in the bubbles which always surround him. With them, he's never alone

7 24

20200918✨D-25 💠🌸

The prettiest things are silent
The purest passion, quiet
The most generous acts, unknown

And all of that is you

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