please be patient with me, i am experiencing horrors unknown to you at all times.

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560 1748

Learning how to navigate healthy relationships when you experienced nothing but suffering is a learning curve. —

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342 1774

Being responsible for your healing doesn’t mean being at fault for your trauma.

It’s about taking ownership of yourself —your whole self— and reclaiming the power that was once taken from you.

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1299 3217

I wish that I could leave myself alone. I wish that I could finally feel that I punished myself enough.
—Carrie Fisher, The Princess Diarist

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861 2353

I forgive myself for moving in any type of way that didn't reflect how deep I value myself. —

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1097 3449

Getting your shit together requires a level of honesty you can’t even imagine. There’s nothing easy about realizing you’re the one that’s been holding you back this whole time. —Unknown

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2290 4972

Life became a lot simpler when I decided to just let people misunderstand me. —

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2435 5441

That’s what careless words do. They make people love you a little less. —Arundhati Roy, The God of Small Things

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1779 4864

The most intimate thing we can do is to allow people we love most see us at our worst. At our lowest. At our weakest. True intimacy happens when nothing is perfect.
, The Song of David

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2669 6592

I am sick of haunting myself
from within like an old house.
—Erica Jong, from “Bitter Herb”

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1156 3488

i was toxic to some & a blessing to others but i’m willing to admit i wasn’t always in the right. —

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4132 8413

A lot of people who are good at forgiving others, don't seem to know how to forgive themselves... —

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2070 5396

If you don’t heal from what hurt you, you’ll bleed on people who didn’t cut you. —Unknown

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3228 8033

Understand that even an “understanding heart” grows tired of being understanding and never understood. —

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4410 8048

And I’m over it,
I’m over it,
I promise I’m over it.
But it still hurts sometimes.
—Laura Elizabeth Ross

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2039 5563

Honestly it hurts, but it doesn't destroy me like it used to. —Unknown

artwork by teetonka_illustrations

2458 7475

All this looking back is fucking with your neck. —

artwork by WanJin GIM

704 2290

My heart hurts when I think of all the things I haven’t done. — Unknown

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1888 5117

Please don’t expect me to always be good and kind and loving. There are times when I will be cold and thoughtless and hard to understand. —Sylvia Plath

artwork by LuviiiLove

3898 7942

I only write when I am falling in love, or falling apart. —

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1080 3625