do things from love not for love.

artwork by

174 855

I want to live for myself a little, after all this time.
— Simone de Beauvoir

artwork by

593 1732

Please take your rest as seriously as your hustle.

artwork by

3153 8748

That's it. The artwork is the message today. Sometimes we are unable to move on because we get stuck on what-should-have-beens or what-could-bes. Let it go. You're just a human being doing the best you can.

artwork by

4214 8767

Validation is an inside job. Keep this in mind as you navigate these times energetically, vibrationally, spiritually, and creatively. —

artwork by

1485 4288

Decide what kind of life you really want...
and then say no to everything that isn't that.

artwork by

4121 8991

My yoga teacher ended class tonight with, “You’re not afraid of failing, you’re afraid of letting other people see you fail. What other people think of you is none of your business.” And I felt that. —

artwork by

3590 7869

Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better. —Maya Angelou

artwork by

2746 5646

i want to live so densely. lush. and slow. in the next few years. that a year becomes ten years. and the past becomes only a page. in the book of my life. —

artwork by

1148 3299

With every act of self care your authentic self gets stronger, and the critical, fearful mind gets weaker. Every act of self care is a powerful declaration: I am on my side; each day I am more and more on my side. —Susan Weiss Berry

artwork by Maria Uve

2964 7350

I am going to make a very beautiful life for myself no matter what it takes. —Anon

artwork by Evan M. Cohen

4457 12123

oh, hi there Spring. may the next few months be a period of magnificent transformation.

gif by

343 1316

"successful people" have failed a lot more times than they have succeeded.

artwork by Ricard Lopez Iglesias

2431 6391

Don’t let yourself be controlled by three things: people, money, or past experiences. —Unknown

artwork by Daniel Taylor

1933 4689

Don’t let the fear of what could happen make nothing happen. —Doe Zantamata

artwork by Paulina A. Eichhorn

2107 4798