2022 Day 27: "Goggles"
Kirimai Silver from Mashing Sentai Kirimager

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2022: "Both"
It's time to count up your sins, it's W.

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2022 Day: "Triple"
It's Dyna + Cosmos + Zero = Saga.

Bit of an experiment using watercolors over inks.

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Day 14, Sushi! I did not know I needed a chibi Summer, but here is a chibi Summer and I love her and I want to make plushies AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

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2022 Day 19: "Pteranodon"

Gotta show some classic Kaiju some love, here's Rodan.

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2022 Day 11: "Reflection"

Mirror Knight and MirrorMan

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Day 9 - Emergency

As far as I remember, I don't think Boom ever got an actual morphing sequence so I decided to throw him into that morphing corridor.

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2022Day 8.
AbareKiller from Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger

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Day 8, Tupuxuara! Shout out to for helping me figure out what AbareKiller's motif is. Missy is sporting this AbareKiller inspired jacket.

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Day 7, Hurricane! Angel here is rocking a Shurikenger inspired letterman jacket.

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Day 6, Wolf! Paula, who has been in like five panels, is rocking a Gao Silver inspired shiny jacket/pants combo! And her real ears are definitely better

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