Victoria es una mujer muy dura, ten cuidado de no hacerla enfadar... - Don't bother Victoria -

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Victoria is a very tough woman, be careful not to make her angry.... - Don't bother Victoria -

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- Be careful with Victoria! - en 4 imágenes! Desde el boceto hasta la versión final.

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- Be careful with Victoria! - in 4 images! From the sketch to the final version.

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A new illustration arrives for all of you, a new scene of Victoria - Be careful with Victoria! -

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From the first sketch to the final illustration finish - Cyberpunk Girl - in just 4 images!

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Color version of - The alien Marie Curie - Part of the next project that I will launch on Kickstarter, my new deck of poker.

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Color version of - The alien Marie Curie - Part of the next project that I will launch on Kickstarter, my new deck of poker.
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