A simple portrait handmade by me and digitally improved of a master, a pillar of western literature: J.R.R.Tolkien. https://t.co/Unw0oJHV1Q

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Still under the spell of ! I forgot to congratulate for the brilliant 50 years of history exhibition! 1. 1969 announcement of the creation of the TS , 2+3. commemorative tableware + badges, 3. Oxonmoot 1984 programme

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What I love about Tolkien conferences apart from brilliant talks and great people - you can attend a beard workshop!!! Thanks to the organisers! I'm quite pleased with my facial fluff...🤭

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My friend is at having Tea with the Kings, Taking pics with them, talking his excitment and breathing
the same air...With all those whom we always looked up to. I'm speechless😭

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. is now talking to us about his art - we’re privileged to see some of his unpublished and commissioned work!

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