day 19, saddest scene : when bilbo, frodo and gandalf leave ✨

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Day 18 - Saddest death: Thorin and Boromir💔💔💔

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Day 18. Saddest death: Théoden's death always gets me (Filí & Kilí's deaths in BOFA get an honourable mention)

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day 16, brotp : sam and frodo / legolas and gimli ✨

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day 15, best member of the fellowship : frodo ✨

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Day 14 - Best member of Thorin's company: Thorin Oakenshield💘

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14. Best member of Thorin's company: Balin

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day 13. arwen's and frodo's family

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Day 12. Least fave character: as a kid, it was Gollum and Gríma Wormtongue (LOTR), but now it's Alfrid from The Hobbit films

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Day 11. A character who inspires me: Éowyn, who's more than just a Strong Female Character (fan art: Reine-Haru on DeviantArt)

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