Henri Matisse ‘In pink interior’, 1938

‘El violín de la primavera como una pluma en una ráfaga pasó, pequeña criatura, pulso del día , polvo, polem, nada tal vez, péro tomblando quedó la luz, el día, el oro.’ Pablo Picasso

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Events this week include Stel & Wes Fight the Flood , Stag & Hens , Maids Head Hotel Tombland and Elm Hill tour with and Norfolk Open Studios Preview Exhibition - https://t.co/BmclrRg4sB

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Just some of yesterday’s from They were painting in the market and at Colman’s. Today they can be seen around and

See these paintings up close during the Hostry exhibition

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'Old houses Tombland Norwich' by Thomas Lound (1802-1861), pencil and watercolour on paper, undated

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