Los mexicas tenían una visión compleja del cuerpo humano y su relación con el cosmos. Creían que el cuerpo estaba compuesto por tres fuerzas vitales: el tonalli, el teyolia y el ihiyotl. Estas fuerzas estaban asociadas con diferentes partes del cuerpo y con diferentes signos.

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Cipactonal is Our First Grandfather, the inventor of the calendar and the original tonalpouhqui or daykeeper. His name means Cipactli Tonalli, since He was born on the first of the days, Ce Cipactli or One Alligator

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Cualli tonalli, cosplay time!

Since her debut in season 2 I just can't stop loving 🥰


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To the best of our knowledge this is the only codex image that shows the 3 spirit centres (head, heart and liver), leaving the body after death: Codex Laud (now called Codex More here...

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One of the first spirits that we receive is the tonalli, our name and "destiny", which resides in our head. It is given to us according to the day of our birth, since the Sun gives diverse qualities to the different dates

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We possess a Tonalli, a “soul” which is in our heads, linked to heat, the sun, and our destiny, one in our hearts, our Yollia, which is linked to the earth and our personalities, and an Ihiyotl, a spiritual essence which dwells in our livers and is linked to the underworld.

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The sunlight and warmth bestowed by the Sun of every specific day gives its destiny to those born on each date.

Children are "baptized" in a ceremony in which their tonalli, the spirit that their day of birth had given them, is sealed and established within their body.

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