Stoner Ape Club Sale! Stoner Ape bought for 0.08 ETH by OGJESUS4747 from nottooold

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Final character concept art:
Jaryło, Dziewanna, and Chała

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No será el mejor estilo de dibujo pero es 100% mío.
Listo, esa será la base para futuros dibujos!

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Whoever did this design please get in touch!

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Here's Marc left leg. Tell that guy not to ever do skateboard again at 43, even to please his kids.
I'm posting some of his pictures so his dumb brain won't notice.

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Love this mother (aged 90) & daughter duo - and too!

to play and

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And here are some great art by Sir Quentin Blake, of course

to find a new passion for or other activities

= be creative 🖍🎭🎨📝🎶🎤🕺🏼💃🏻👩🏼‍🎨🎸

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It’s - who knew - but here are 4 favourites from wonderful which say it all!
-whoever & whatever you are

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Claude more like CLOOOOOOD (clod graphic is by toooldforfandom)

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This evening, I've been screwing around with how to create concept landscape art...

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Los episodios de duran 93, 97, 76, 63, 76, 91, 70, 88, 69 y 30 minutos respectivamente.

753 minutos en diez episodios, 75,3' de media... 12 horas y media en total 🤷🏻‍♂️.

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de Winding Refn en hors-compétition. Deux épisodes, le 4e et le 5e : "Ne me demandez pas pourquoi" explique

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