Bojack Horseman
Distributor: Netflix
Season: 5
Highlights: Tackling the shows rising popularity and the toxicity surrounding that fame, Bojack remains as self-aware and hard-hitting as ever.
Fav Episode: Episode 6: Free Churro
Notes: Horse make cry.

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Devilman Crybaby
Distributor: Netflix
Season: 1
Highlights: Utilizing abstract eroticism, psychedelic violence and religious extremism to break down and examine the nuances of masculinity and love.
Fav Episode: Episode 10: Crybaby
Notes: The OST tho!!

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Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia
Distributor: Netflix
Season: 3
Highlights: Epic and heartbreaking finale to this grounded yet fantastical series. Paves the way for a great future.
Fav Episode: Episode 12-13: The Eternal Knight Pt 1-2
Notes: RIP Anton Yelchin

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