The new world PvP zones are going to be *so* fun with these, this is a much better use of ridiculous torghast-style powers IMO

14 221

I feel like the only one who went ahead to get a title and farmed Torghast for a weapon appearance I wanted

Have not seen anyone yet with a title so far

0 5

Why yes of course I went through Torghast to get a sword mog I wanted for my Dracthyr

1 47

The gauntlet/boot to limb ratio.
The red is smothered by how fucking massive they've made the gold trim.
Maybe they should've had a palette cleanse after all those Torghast designs.
More spikes than the city of Orgrimmar.
WoW armor was a mistake.
it's 2022

0 1

Huh, looks like some artists might have leaked the next hearthstone miniset for Castle Nathria, seems to be a courtroom-based Torghast theme with card names like Jury Duty, Perjury, Life Sentence, and Dew Process

19 228

Had a normal one in Torghast earlier today, a completely plain and not at all irregular experience

1 5

In other news tho, I did manage to solo layer 4 of the torghast boss rush yesterday too >:]

0 3

When you attempt to solo Torghast Jailer's Gauntlet on the hardest layer and limited upgraded gear

0 0

Dark Ranger Elvira in Ghostlands, and then in Torghast! Forever loyal to Sylvanas Windrunner 🖤🏹✨

0 38

new torghast feature fun, very. fun. i am a god.

0 3

Either of these would be AMAZING
Left is mythic shoulders, right is Torghast adamant vault

0 3

Torghast's sin.

Succubus adopt! In collaboration with my bf
Auction ends in 48h!

38 166

I got round to speed running Torghast to catch up my priest's renown to get these Venthyr tmogs. I really wanted them for Elethane's outfit, so here they are! 😍

Casual priestess Elethane, Inquisitor Elethane, and casual Inquisitor Elethane 💕

0 5

Somewhere within Torghast, hidden from all but Zovaal, two stolen souls speak for the first time.

60 248

Can we all agree that the real horror of Torghast is that the Jailer have loads of malnourished Aman'thuls locked up in there?

0 3

Maw/Torghast style Axe sketches concepts

1 12

being without light for 2 and a half hours, getting disconnected in the middle of a 12 floor torghast boss, loosing progress in my new model AND not being able to finish watching DnD shows.

And now i need to me awake until i finish everything. Send Elp pls

0 1

Lin took some friends on a painfully scenic tour of the megadungeon and then an even lovelier stroll through Torghast. 😂 Had a lot of fun though! 😁

1 24