Hiya, I drew an extra huge Louhi from accompanied by a little tonttu Gudako! I was really happy to see that there was a very Finnish servant added to the game, so I just had to draw her. Torille!

177 1289


Finland won The Hockey World Championship against Canada 4-3!! Very pog! ~💙🇫🇮

97 1760

Äidit rauhan puolesta.
Rauhanmarssi-tapahtuma alkaa lauantaina 12.3. eduskuntatalolla kello 12. Marssi alkaa noin kello 12.30 ja päättyy Senaatintorille.

20 81

Haemme kiireellisellä aikataululla perumisen vuoksi Hyvinkään kauppatorille myyjää!

Työ alkaa tiistaina, 12,5e/tunti ja hakemukset voi lähettää: urumi.fi
Aiempi myyntikokemus tai anime/manga-tuntemus on eduksi, mutta ei välttämätön.

16 13

Had to leave like 15 minutes in but but I got some refs at least so I can doodle while i'm out. Picked this person just for the name (torille btw 🇫🇮🇫🇮)

4 26

I finished it 😭have my drawing of Shaz. I actually really like how this came out :3 Go Team Finland! 💜🇫🇮#Torille

2 26


15 89

2 000+ FOLLOWERS! That's insane! Thank you all. Let's make it 20 000...? 😉

Our roster will be announced in a couple of days, after the tryouts have finished! Stay tuned!

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uskaltaako tässä enää edes mennä torille

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