Brian Adcock: The EU and Northern Ireland politicians are unimpressed by Boris's attempts to woo them.   – political cartoon gallery in London

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My cartoon for tomorrow. The EU and Northern Ireland politicians are unimpressed by Boris's attempts to woo them.

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Britain being crushed under the weight of countless crises...

Boris Johnson has put on his Out Of Office and he's sunning himself on holiday in Marbella. Maybe he'll deal with 'em when he's back.

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This little piggy, that little piggy and the other little piggy... will get slaughtered and rot away in ditches cos there aint enough farm workers.

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Dominic Raab suggesting ex-crims could be given HGV driver jobs.

Typical. 🙄 Raab getting jobs for him & his Tory mates once they're out of Govt.

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No good King Bozo looked out
On the Shortages At Christmas
When his bullshit lay all about
Deep & crisp & even
Brightly shone the moon that night
Though the Tories were cruel
When a poor Universal Credit claimant came in sight
Short of winter fuel

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Boris Johnson back to launch Winter of Discontent 2.0.

His flight to the shops & back took ages!

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The Tory turkeys voted for Christmas.
Now the Tory-voting turkeys won't even have turkey for Christmas.
That's ironic... or something.

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Is hungry in imperial different to hungry in metric?

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Its also doing a great job at:
- driving banks OUT
- driving capital OUT
- driving top paid jobs to the
- driving investment AWAY

This is what they wanted, isn't it ?

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Bozo is the very model of a modern Generalissimo
He misinforms on vegetable, animal, and mineral,
He know the tabloid kings of England, and is quite hysterical
From Jersey to Guernsey, in order categorical

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To be fair, Boris Johnson smells a lot worse than a pile of stale, unsold British fish.

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The Tories have had enough of experts... and exports. 📉

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The Tories love sticking Union Jacks in the background.

Apparently, being a flag shagger means you can get away with gross incompetence and corruption.

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On Jacob Rees Mogg will be visited by three spirits, all of whom will call him a c*nt.

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📢📢Huge thanks to all the MPs who voted for the Beckett motion yesterday. You're doing the right thing for Labour members, voters and the country.📢📢

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