用心棒 - Yojimbo
黒澤映画『用心棒』より三船敏郎演じる侍。The Samurai who acting by Toshiro Mifune in the movie "Yojimbo" directed by Akira Kurosawa.#落書き

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Throwback from the vault. Based on the characters of Akira Kurosawa’s “Hidden Fortress” aka the OG Star Wars.

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Siendo el cumpleaños de recomiendo una de las innumerables obras maestras en las que participó. EL INFIERNO DEL ODIO (1963) de Akira es la representación del noir perfecto con Mifune enfrentándose al secuestro de su hijo.
Disponible en PrimeVideo y Filmin

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Algunas imágenes más de "Akira Kurosawa El Samurái Caído"

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Good morning! Art post, day 2:
Watercolour of by !
I fell in love with Toshiro's acting in film school - one of the most emotive actors of his time.

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The next two for the Kowai Monogatari by Apex Ideenschmiede. I quite liked both of these characters. Toshiro the obviously based on and Genjiro the warrior monk, who gave off some strong Friar Tuck vibes.

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Io che tento di andare sul realistico quando non lo faccio tipo MAI. Spero di riuscire a finirlo 🤣

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