Finished the last of 4 meat theme Toter Tots I did for Trash Day in late Dec. Sold a few yesterday and some now have only 3-4 eds left. BTW if you already bought the previous 2-3 I owe you a freebie so lemme know

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NEW Toter Tots, a special meat-themed capsule collection to celebrate Trash Day, that I didn't know I was doing, now LIVE. 19 editions of each, 6 Tz. If you buy both Spamela and Chuck you get airdropped Sam for free. GO!

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Currently the 3 most desirable Toter Tots from drops I + II have become available today for 195 Tez. I have to say I am quite tempted to snatch my own work back and hodl.

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Someone just flipped a Robness Toter Tot for 420 Tez. That is completely insane. That's all I have to say.

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