Neeerd! Genericon drawing day 27. The first non vehicle (or dino) genericon design. A cybertronian computer. Originaly was gonna be teletran orange but since he's skinny and has glasses I didn't want him to look too much like rung.

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Genericon drawing day 24! Wheeljack is one of my favorite transformers, I think it shows on more than one of my genericons designs. Originaly she was gonna be a sports car but decided I had to many of those so now she's a hover truck.

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Genericon drawing day 17! Once I draw the altmode (nfluenced by the robot mode) I tweek the alt mode to make it look more like a vehicle then I go back to the robot mode and add the changes in the corresponding areas.

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In case you haven't heard I'm making a new (original) G1 style transformer every day this month. Robot & alt mode. I'd like to think they're extras, background characters living on Cybertron. I call them Genericons!

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Ending the first week of Genericons drawings with a dinobot! Ankillertron! This guy was really hard to do, just keeping track of where the spikes go on both modes. One week down three more weeks to go.

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Day two of my original G1 style transformers in celebration of anniversary. These guys are sorta like extras, just randos who live on Cybertron. I call them Genericons!

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