Travelesia and Travelbaz

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nice to meet you im animon a humane who traveles world to world to save my dystopian present the time traveling not expressed so due to some incidents allong the way im also dino and deer irl im a anituber how very soon will also be a vtuber like Pokémon fire emblem board games

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Depois de pintar tanta comida, ainda sei pintar rostos 💛🧡

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The first concept of Chloe, the Star Elf magic researcher.
She traveles through the lands and researchs the use of magic in the different nations.
She's always eager to learn new interesting and "fun" spells.

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Ilara Aurelia is my WoL. Not remembering much of her past, she traveles a lot.Her way started as a lancer, but after her time in Ishgrad, she retired as DRG and became a RMA and also learned other fighting styles. She's quite a loner but always to have for shenanigans ;)

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