Happy Heavenly 27th Birthday, King 🤴🏽#TrayvonMartin

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Today should be Trayvon Martin’s 27th birthday…

Rest in power, Trayvon

I drew this a couple years ago:

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“Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice Everywhere”, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. …

Unresolved previous injustices 🪖is a threat to future justice 🎓.

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Murdered by a vigilante.
Armed with skittles and a hoodie.
Guilty and put to death.

Killed 2, playing vigilante.
Armed with an AK47
Found Not Guilty.

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On this day in 2012 young Trayvon Martin was taken from this world

He just wanted some Skittles and a can of Arizona

I drew this charcoal portrait last year

Rest easy, Trayvon

Charcoal drawing

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today is the birthday of it's also the birth month of Trayvon & Jordan Edwards. Tamir was born in November. 2017, i created a floral motif for these young black messiahs, future kings heads cut off before they knew themselves fully, as a semblance of beauty

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Keep Trayvon’s legacy growing thru your support of the Trayvon Martin Foundation.

Every moment spared or donation made is an opportunity to continue the fight to build racial equality and social justice.

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America, please stop. Please change course.

Eric Garner
Breonna Taylor
George Floyd
Ahmaud Arbery
Trayvon Martin
Philando Castile
Sasha Wall
Aiyana Jones

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Sketchmission: Meditation

Sketchmission for Trayvonity ( https://t.co/Ncogwx9QBT ) he wanted a pic of his character Mhekai meditating.

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Sketchmission: BRB

Sketchmission for Trayvonity ( https://t.co/Ncogwx9QBT ) he wanted a BRB pic made for his streaming.

Support me on Patreon ( https://t.co/c88uLZMjCH ) or Ko-Fi ( https://t.co/YXuCLYIY8K ) or PayPal ( https://t.co/t7NpsXQT4h ).

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would have been 25 years old this week. He had hopes and dreams and so much promise. We honor his legacy by working to dismantle white supremacy. And we hold his parents and in our hearts.

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On this day, seven years ago, Trayvon Martin was shot and killed. We must stop these grave injustices from happening. Our communities deserve fair, equal, and effective policing practices. Learn more: https://t.co/qJfzUVhDt1

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“Is This Justice?
Where is my killer
It has been a month
& still he is missing
All I had was Skittles & an Arizona
Oh and don’t forget the hoodie
But apparently they are weapons of Mass Destruction in Florida
I am Trayvon Martin
To be black in America
Is it a crime?

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On the 5th anniversary of death, we all need to come together to say 'I AM TRAYVON' whatever the color of our skin!

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Today marks the fifth anniversary of Trayvon Martin’s death. https://t.co/pH8QmXOsBQ

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The shooting in Florida adds to the mountain of proof that we need stricter gun laws.

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